
Showing posts from July, 2020

IKIGAI - How to live a long and fulfilling life ?

Recently when an old friend of mine recommended me this book titled "IKIGAI", I thought this would be another Japanese attempt on quality and process improvement (obviously I was proven wrong as it turned out to be on life improvement). I bought the book and kept it in my " to be read queue " as I was busy with some other book at that time. One beautiful day, I got a Whatsapp forward from someone talking about this book and how great it was and how it changed his life blah blah blah. Now obviously, I didn't want to quit reading my ongoing book however this certainly created a bit of curiosity in my mind and I prioritized this book in my list mentally. So here I am today presenting you the extracts from this book for you. This books has ability to change the way you live your life. However that can only happen, If you really start following the life lessons from the book very religiously.  What's the big deal with this book ? The book is mainly based on peopl

Be fearless

Many of us spend our entire life in constant fear and anxiety. A fear for a future which has never been certain. We all know that our fear may turn in reality or not; is never certain. We all know it very well however we're always thinking about it and we keep our lives miserable. Whenever we think of it, we get a tingling inside us of anxiety and nervousness. This is certainly not a great feeling. I think we all need to understand one thing very clearly and precisely and after learning this, we would never be afraid of anything in life. Before I talk about this method, let me ask you something. Do you know what you are afraid of? What is one thing which keeps you in constant stress?  Let me answer that for you. You are always afraid about future. You keep thinking about what may happen in future with you or with your loved ones and how it would impact us or how we would handle that situation? Mostly we think about the negatives which may happen in future. Imagine something happeni

Be 3x Productive

I have been spending last two years reading various books on motivation and investing, not to mention these are my two interest areas. I have been able to follow a certain life style using which I have sort of boosted my productivity by at least 3 times. Here are some tips and tricks I would like to share with you all, which I believe can certainly help you as well. I will try not to be cliche and boring however in case I am, my apologies in advance. Here are my three simple tips which can help you do what I could achieve.... 1.  Get a planner:  Some wise man once said, " If you fail to plan, you plan to fail ". Planning for your day in advance is a great productivity booster. You are more productive when you know what are you trying to achieve. Start your day with 10 min exercise by writing down the list of tasks which you are planning to achieve this day. Before you retire for the day, review what were you able to accomplish from the list and plan for the next day. We all t