Be fearless

Many of us spend our entire life in constant fear and anxiety. A fear for a future which has never been certain. We all know that our fear may turn in reality or not; is never certain. We all know it very well however we're always thinking about it and we keep our lives miserable. Whenever we think of it, we get a tingling inside us of anxiety and nervousness. This is certainly not a great feeling. I think we all need to understand one thing very clearly and precisely and after learning this, we would never be afraid of anything in life.

Before I talk about this method, let me ask you something. Do you know what you are afraid of? What is one thing which keeps you in constant stress? 

Let me answer that for you. You are always afraid about future. You keep thinking about what may happen in future with you or with your loved ones and how it would impact us or how we would handle that situation? Mostly we think about the negatives which may happen in future. Imagine something happening with you in present, are you afraid of it? Not really, we face the present in the most humble and strong way possible. We just fear the potential future which may or may not happen however just this mere thinking keeps us in a miserable state all the time. I suggest we should just focus on present and work on that and forget about future. 

Do you remember what you worried about same day last year or year before that. Not really, correct ? We need to program our mind in such as way that it starts believing that we will deal with whatever happens in future. This is one magical trick which works at every situation. Focus on present and forget worrying about future. 

In Geeta, Lord Krishna mentioned 

"Do not regret the past, live the present well and fearlessly prepare for the future".

Like I also read it somewhere, it’s not what you do tomorrow will make your future but rather what you do today will make the future. So just do what you feel right today and forget about future. 

All is going to be well in the end !!


  1. Nicely articulated..and drafted..very good message :)


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